A Tribute to Our Dear Minister, Rev. Dr. Candice Bist

Reverend Candice Bist and music director Bruce Ley watch a farewell drive-by parade during the COVID-19 pandemic

It is with a heavy heart that we find ourselves facing 2021 without the guidance, compassion, leadership, and love of our beloved Reverend Candice.  After five years of dedication and hour upon hour of hard work, Candice is hanging up her stole, and no doubt trading it in for overalls, and garden galoshes.  Although to say that we will be doing “without” her is not at all accurate.  The imprint she has left on her congregations of both Primrose and Trinity is far reaching and everlasting.  In speaking with members of the church it is Candice’s teachings of love, compassion, radical gratitude, empathy, neighbourhood and community awareness, and did we mention LOVE? — above all else, love, that have left their mark!   

To many she is the embodiment of one of her favourite scriptures:

He has told you what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
— Micah 6:8

Her tireless work of reaching out into our communities to show love to all, regardless of age, nationality, race, ability, politics, gender, sexual orientation, education, belief system, or social status, is her legacy.  

Her unwavering support for the groups and projects which have found their inception under her leadership will continue to bring comfort and aid to those in need.  She has provided a loving space for groups such as The Soup Haus, LGBTQ with Melissa, The Shelburne Farmer’s Market, yoga, meditation, parenting and music classes, The Shepherd’s Cupboard Food Bank, Second Saturday Interfaith Dinners, Sparks, and Rural Response. She enabled the important work of First Line for Syria, and Partera International, while also leading bible and book club studies.  The church she leaves behind is a thriving hub of activity, secured due to her time-consuming work of applying, and being approved for, large grant monies from various sources.

Flowers in the garden

Candice has tended to her flock with the same nurturing tenderness, attention, and commitment she uses to tend to her beautiful Zinias, Dahlias, Delphiniums, and Roses.  For both flock and garden require patience, encouragement, and faith.  She has tilled the fertile soil of our souls and planted seeds of hope, love, and justice with her teachings of practical theology.  She has invited us to apply the teachings of Jesus outside the confines of doctrine or dogma.  Her teachings of Jesus’s love, of what it means to be with Christ, and how to recognize and feel grace, will resonate within our minds and hearts for years to come. 

We wish you, Candice, a very peaceful and harmonious retirement with your steadfast and loyal husband and ally Bruce.  May you spend your time fulfilling dreams and goals you have put off while meaningfully serving us all!  We wish you the joy and happiness embodied in this lovely scripture:

I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride;
I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. 
I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey;
I have drunk my wine and my milk. 
Eat, friends, and drink;
drink your fill of love.
— Song of Songs 5:1

Thank you, thank you, thank you, one million times, Thank You!

Colin Simmons