In Celebration of Motherhood

Up close in a vineyard look at grapes growing on the vine

Loving our mothers isn't isolated to the specifically appointed "Mother's Day", however, perhaps it is important and right to dedicate a moment in time to pause, and appreciate everything a mother does for her family.

Many of us are unable to hug our mothers this Mother's Day, whether because of protectively isolating from her, or because her presence is a dear memory being held closely in our hearts.

The self sacrifice, nurture, compassion, and joy of being a mother, is accompanied with heartache, worry, and fear. This complex experience is mirrored in the role set out for Christians to play as presented in the SALT lectionary notes posted below, as well as in the podcast "The Bible and Climate Change".

This week marks the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the woman who pioneered the nursing profession as we know it today. Her focus on sanitary practices, and training of other women in the art of nursing, significantly decreased the death rate of the wounded, especially during the Crimean War. Mother's Day seems a very fitting day to honour her service and dedication to the sick and vulnerable.

May is Asian Heritage Month, and in recognition of this, we have an article presenting the Japanese novelist, Hiromi Goto. She has written a graphic novel in praise of an Asian elder woman. Hiromi Goto gives this character, Kumiko, strength and vitality in an attempt to dispel the notion that elder women have little left to live for. In fact Kumiko is portrayed as a hero embodying friendship, compassion, generosity and caring, even while death seems not far off.

Lastly, the lectionary notes from SALT encourage us to reflect on Joy! It is suggested that joy is Jesus's ultimate wish for humanity. It is a well earned joy presented to us, a joy comparable to that which a mother experiences when she holds her new born child for the very first time, after the painful hours of labouring her child into the world.


Motherhood: Compassion, Strength & Joy



from Mercy | May 12, 2021

Florence Nightingale has become an icon of nurture and compassion because of her life long dedication to serving the sick. Although she was born over 200 years ago, her impact is very relevant as we, in the 21st century, find ourselves navigating through a global pandemic. In today's world of COVID-19 many are dependent on the nurture and compassion of the health care workers stepping up to care for those falling ill.



by Alex Mlynek | March 26 , 2021

In her novel Shadow Life, Hiromi Goto's female Asian elder character Kumiko, finds herself near the shadow of death. Despite this, Kumiko has the vibrancy and desire to situate herself in a brand new way of living. Stories that introduce a new way of thinking stir a sense of wonder, Goto says, “like a window opening up in your mind.”



by SALT team | May 4, 2021

Here is a reflection on the joy Jesus wants us to experience. "A joy like the jubilation of a new mother: her spent, exhilarated delight following the anguish of labor, celebrating the new life that has come into the world. Indeed, since this Sunday is Mother’s Day, this week may be a fitting time to reflect on how mothering can help us understand God’s love for us".


Living Our Faith Day-to-Day


The Bible and Climate Change – Part 2

by SALT team | May 4, 2021

The second part of the SALT podcast "The Bible and Climate Change" gives us very specific references of how we are called by Jesus to love God and our neighbours. Matthew Myer Boulton reminds us that Jesus's teaching of feeding, giving, welcoming, clothing, caring for and visiting the most vulnerable, means we are also feeding, welcoming, clothing, caring for and visiting Jesus himself. Wouldn't a life dedicated to this mission of compassion, empathy and love naturally encompasses caring for the earth — the earth which all of creation depends on for food, drink and shelter?