Mission and Service


Compassion lies at the heart of generosity, and generosity is the heart of Mission and Service.  

From serving a hot meal at a local soup kitchen, to visiting a lonely neighbour, to financially supporting those in need in our local communities and around the world, the people of the United Church are committed to turning compassion into action through Mission and Service.

In the last year alone, those who attend and support The United Church of Canada gave over $26 million to people in need and projects that matter. United Church people across the country join together to share what we can. We give to people and places in need through a unified fund called Mission and Service, each church donating a portion of their monies to the one fund. 

Locally, M & S helps people in need by supporting homeless shelters, food banks, soup kitchens, and refugee programs. It helps young people on campuses and through camping outreach. It helps people who are sick or at the end of life by supporting addiction, mental health, and counselling services and hospice care. And more… 

Globally, M & S helps people access clean water, food, and medical care. We support skills training and economic development. It helps with peace-making and sustainable agriculture efforts. It provides disaster relief and advocates for the rights of those who all too often don’t get a say, like children and migrant workers. And more… 

Mission and Service is not a separate fund within the church. It is the foundation of how the United Church and its supporters offers healing and hope in a hurting world. Mission & Service supports education programs; women’s empowerment; food, housing support, and advocacy to alleviate poverty; assistance for theological students, lay leaders, and camping; congregational support; healing the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people; youth programming like Rendez-vous, and much more!

Mission & Service is the heart and soul of The United Church of Canada. And the heart and soul of Mission and Service is compassion. The Shelburne Primrose Pastoral Charge gives generously each year to their important work, locally and throughout the world.

You can give to this important work in a variety of ways through either Primrose or Trinity United Church.

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