Good Friday, Prayers and Music

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Amid the on going struggles world wide to find compassion and grace in the midst of violence, Christians celebrate the power of courage and love in the midst of adversity and hatred. Good Friday is a challenging day, for a struggling, yet still beautiful world. Will there ever be a time when we have ceased killing one another? 
​May grace abide with all those who respond to death in the midst of life.

Below are three pieces of music - What Wondrous Love is This?, Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross, and The Agony, by John Stonier. Below is the equally thoughtful Lux Aeterna, for your listening pleasure, followed by the prayers of the people for Good Friday.


Dear Lord Jesus,
Judas betrayed you in the garden,
But we have all betrayed you, and continue to do so even today….
Peter denied you, and so too, we deny you in the living out of our lives, forgetting your way of love and compassion, even as we know it to be right and true.

We like to think that we would be the ones to stay strong and faithful and good. But the truth is, we forsake you, we betray you, we are a part and a parcel of an economy and a society that spits in your face and laughs at the perfect justice of your cross. Forgive us.

But you have remained true and faithful to us
Your forgiveness abounds
Your generosity astonishes.
Your mercy is beyond our comprehension.
You remained faithful to God, to us, to your way of love.
There you are stretched out on the cross, arms wide open to the world, heart fully open to God, in your last breath granting grace and forgiveness to all…..

Strengthen us, that we might be faithful too,
not turning aside,
not turning away,
not betraying you or denying you,
but following you through the sunlight and through the shadow,
for you have claimed the final victory over evil and darkness
with your gentle way and your humble spirit.

May we be worthy followers,
and steadfast friends,
leaning upon your council
and seeking out the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in all things.


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