Isolation, A Time for Listening to God

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So much has shifted world wide in just a short time. It is hard to imagine where everything is headed - except to know that we are living in an uncertain time - and that living in the day, confining our thoughts to what - and who - we have in front of us is paramount. It is the ultimate spiritual discipline.

It is perhaps a time to remember, most of all, that though we can control the smaller, intimate moments in our lives and in our hearts, the larger arena of the universe is not within our control. This has always been so. It is in fact the larger story from our Biblical script. Perhaps that is why its writers spent so much time trying to unravel the mysteries of God, hoping as we always do, to gain further control over the unknown world around us.

But if we wish to know God, we need only get quiet and still and listen to 'the still small voice' as Elijah did.


Listen carefully to those speaking to you and marvel at their beauty.
Listen to the quiet wisdom within your own heart that will hold you steady if you let it.
Listen and be humbled by the vast array of unknowns and claim only to know that love is the only way forward.
And then make a commitment to follow that way of love throughout the day - in your speech, your thoughts, your being.

If you have not already grasped the idea of self-isolation, please do. It is the most loving, responsible thing you can do right now. The only response we have at the moment is the tool of physical distance. So, please take all steps to remain quietly at home. If there is anything you need reach out by phone and ask. Asking is a great gift to the person being asked.

Hold steady in your heart. Pray for your own heart to stay tender and unafraid. Tend to small matters in your own home. And do not hesitate to reach out to others via the phone, the internet, or the mail box.

"And all will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well."