Public Health Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph


Raising children is a tough job. You have to coordinate home life, work life, school life and all the different things you do to keep your kids healthy and happy.

At Public Health, they can help you nurture your child’s health and development, even before they’re born! They also provide vaccines and information about them for kids (and adults) of all ages, and can help pay for your child’s dental care if you can’t afford it.

They know that health isn’t just about medical care. It’s about having options for pregnancy testing and counselling. It’s about having a healthy pregnancy. It’s about feeding your baby and preschooler well. And it’s about being there for you as you start and continue your parenting journey.

At any time you need help, information or a connection to other services in the community, call Let’s Talk Parenting, the telephone support line for pregnancy and parenting at 1-800-265-7293 ext. 3616. They also encourage you to connect with us on Facebook @LetsTalkParenting and Twitter @LetsTalkParents to talk about parenting tips, strategies and resources.

1-800-265-7293 ext. 3616