SHIP: Services and Housing in the Province.

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Services and Housing In the Province - SHIP - is a leading non-profit organization committed to alleviating the pressure caused by popular stigmas surrounding mental health By providing mental health clients with access to supportive housing and professional health services.

SHIP creates a safe place where individuals gain the ability to use tools, educational resources, and community connections to improve their overall quality of life.

Based in Orangeville, the Assisted Living Program is a partnership with Dufferin County that allows SHIP to proactively support frail seniors who want to continue living independently in their own homes. Case management, support services and in-home interventions include client-directed personal care and light homemaking, safety checks, medication reminders and assistance, liaison services with primary health care providers and 24/7/365 response to emergency situations.

The program’s goals are to reduce visits to emergency departments and provide seniors in hospital with assistance that reduces or eliminates the need for alternative level of care beds or unnecessary admission to long-term care facilities.


40 Lawrence Avenue, Orangeville, On. L9W 0C1