Fifth Week After Pentecost


This week’s lectionary readings include Mark’s famous story of Jesus, a bleeding woman, and a dying girl. It’s a story full of twists, turns, suspense, and surprises — and it gets down to the essence of both “faith” and “salvation.”

This Sunday's service we will be applying our faith as we ponder ways of moving forward using technology to support ourselves and our church community.



Hands cup clear water

Church on Zoom

Dare to Imagine

Join us as Rev. Dr. Randy Boyd will be speaking to us on the scripture, Matthew 14: 13-21, Jesus feeding the 5000 followed by his work in supporting rural communities with integrating technology into church life.

Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Randy Boyd

9:50AM — Greet & chat
10:00AM — Service begins

person walking on train tracks superimosed on a smartphone


Wild Church Network: Planted in a "Failed" Idea

Wild Church is for those that consider themselves "spiritual but not religious". It is a growing movement of communities that practice spirituality on the land. For some, it is a return to the Garden of Eden where you recognize that you are fully present in the space. It is about getting out of the four walls of the church into the world and being nurtured there. There is a growing network of Wild Church across the country as we speak!

But that isn’t where the network started. It started with an idea that was completely different. An idea that didn’t work, and yet which planted the seed of an even bigger idea by following the Spirit.

The wisdom of creators is held in creation.
— LeAnne Blackert