The Bread of Life


This week’s lectionary readings include John’s story of the feeding of the five thousand. It’s a Gospel of Abundance - and the people (including the disciples!) drastically misunderstand it. Many see in this meal not the abundant, nourishing grace of God but rather a powerful wonderworker who can lead them to military and political triumph over their oppressors.

At its heart, it’s a story about our deep-seated fears that we will not be cared for, and about our tendencies to see the world — from the day’s headlines to our own interpersonal struggles — through lenses of scarcity.

And above all, it’s a story about God’s work of feeding, of abundantly providing for our needs, and at the same time calling and commissioning us to help provide for the needs of others. We may insist on interpreting the world through the lens of scarcity, but God will continue to invite us to change the lens, seeing instead through the abounding grace if we are willing.



loaves of bread
Two seniors smile as they FaceTime with family

Church on Zoom

Join us for our usual service of prayers and hymns. During the sermon, we will be listening to a reading of one of the articles offered that week on the website. Our usual Q & A will consist of sharing questions and thoughts stimulated by the article. Join us for thought-provoking discussion and spiritual fellowship.

9:50AM — Greet & chat
10:00AM — Discussion begins

tractors in a beautiful farm field


Trinity Centennial United Church, Rosemont

Over our 3-week summer break, you may enjoy watching some of Trinity Centennial's recorded church services, led by Rev. Ann Harbridge's (many include her student minister as well).