Third Week After Pentecost


This week's scripture readings involves Jesus’ parables describing what this “kingdom” is all about. Why parables? As Mark tells it, Jesus teaches this way precisely because parables are enigmatic and mysterious, incomprehensible to “those outside,” but whose “secret” Jesus shares with his disciples. Jesus’ parables are contemplative spaces, evocative puzzles, riddles that beckon us closer — closer to Jesus, that it — to hear the “secrets” they simultaneously suggest and conceal.

As our minds struggle with the horror of our Canadian history (the discovery of mass grave of 215 Indigenous children) and the reality of our present day racism (a Muslim family killed in London) can we enter a contemplative space to hear the messages within the parables?

This week we might consider the mustard seed: a small thing that grows into something grand in which birds nest “in the shade of its branches." When horrific things happen, how can we discover the kingdom of God within a mustard seed?



Field of yellow flowers

Church on Zoom

All For One and One For All

Join us as Deputy Mayor Steve Anderson will be sharing details about his personal experiences and insights from living and leading in small-town Shelburne as well as details about the upcoming Multicultural event happening on June 27th.

Steve is currently the Deputy Mayor for the town of Shelburne and a Councillor for the County of Dufferin.

Guest Speaker: Deputy Mayor Steve Anderson

9:50AM — Greet & chat
10:00AM — Service begins

sitting in prayer at a mosque


Introduction to Islam

Hate crimes towards a religious group or individuals comes from fear. When we do not have the correct information, we often create our own stories of what we believe about the other to be true. The truth shall set us free, so let us seek the truth about the path of Islam and our fellow Muslim neighbours.