Transitioning Church Back to Our Buildings


Over the past year and a half, we have learned that there are many ways to experience church, on Sunday mornings, as well as the other 6 days of the week. It has been a time of innovative thinking, trial and error, differences in opinions on what “church” is, physical disconnection, and discovering new ways to connect. It has not been easy, yet with Covid restrictions and for the past 9 months, no minister, SPPC still found ways to keep “church” going in many ways.

The good news is, with the arrival of our new minister, we look forward to resuming on-site church services on Sunday, September 12th. All Covid protocols will be in place. Please watch for further details in the coming weeks. Thank you to Mary, Susan, Karin, and Jeff RT for your leadership in assisting our congregations to safely return to our church buildings.

You may also want to check out this week’s Living our Faith Day to Day selection (see the Community section below). It features Rev. Andria Irwin who is the digital minister for Highlands United Church in Vancouver. She is helping congregations develop quality online worship and bringing a progressive Christian voice to the vast landscape of the internet. She has some insightful thoughts and tips on the future of church and technology.



steeple against a blue sky

Church on Zoom

Returning to Church on Zoom

Adrian Jacobs is the Keeper of the Circle from Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre. The Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre is a ministry training centre of the United Church of Canada dedicated to Aboriginal theological education. The centre was established on September 30, 2011, as an amalgamation of the former Francis Sandy Theological Centre and Dr. Jessie Saulteaux Resource Centre.

Adrian's talk is entitled, Friends and Lovers in a Time of Colonialism – The desire for friendship in the Two Row Wampum Belt reveals the fundamental value of treaty-making. The ministry of reconciliation in New Testament understanding is also about making friends and more.

9:50AM — Greet & chat
10:00AM — Discussion begins


Contemporary Selection

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre, Manitoba

To find out more about the Centre from which our guest speaker is from this Sunday, we encourage you to watch the following video.