Rural Response


Rural Response is an initiative of Family Transition Place in Orangeville. It provides safety, support and hope for women living in rural areas by reducing barriers to service in the communities of north Dufferin. The Rural Response Program can offer transportation, home visits, child care, and access to after-hours service as some of the ways it helps women living in isolated ways who require assistance.

The Rural Response Program is based out of the Mel Lloyd Centre, Shelburne. The Rural Response Program offers crisis counselling sessions, providing women with abuse education, safety planning, and appropriate community referrals. What makes this initiative particularly exciting is the opportunity to be mobile, allowing the Rural Response Counsellor to meet with women in the community.

The Pastoral charge partners with Rural Response in providing community space in which to meet when it is required. We also exchange information concerning available resources and emergency concerns. Rev. Bist is available to any women who come through Rural Response and require spiritual council. Rural Response offers us additional resources of skilled councillors for women in particular need.

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LocalColin Simmons